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普洱餅 Puerh Cake
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1997 中茶牌省公司青餅
Chi Tse Beeng Cha [357g]

1997 中茶牌省公司青餅
1997 Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha[357g]

China National Native Produce & Animals By-Products Import & Exports Corporation
Weight: 357 gram
Nature: Vintage Raw Puerh

1. Warm the teapot with hot water and empty it before you put in 1/3 to 1/4 volume of the tea leaves
2. Add boiling water 100C temperature until the teapot overflows.
3. Discard this water immediately as to clean and heat the tea leaves before the 1st brew

Brewing Time:
First Brew 5 seconds
2nd Brew 5 seconds
3rd Brew 10 seconds
4th Brew 20 seconds
5th Brew 40 seconds
6th Brew 2 mintues

Teapot Size:
Between 100cc to 400cc

备 注:由于存放时间较长,茶饼重量可能达不到标称值。

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 30 January, 2010.
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Chi Tse Beeng Cha [357g]
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